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Using the ASA Website – Quick Action List

Our website (https://aseeds.com.au) is now available for the use of all Industry Participants, providing an Industry Directory, and discussion forum and other services. From 15 January 2018 ordering of OECD Labels from Insignia can only be processed by site Authorised Processors.

  1. Register  Go to https://aseeds.com.au . Click the menu item ‘Account Free Account’, or similar Button and submit the form. Then please read the Confirmation notice. You’ll get an email for confirmation.
  1. Your User Role  Your initial Role is ‘Site Member’. This controls what you can see and do. Request a User Role change (ie, Processor) if appropriate. Your MEMBERS page has a link for this.
  1. Create New Business (or Personal) record Entry  Please create a ’New Business Entry’ for you or your business. You can edit your entries at any time, and show or hide them. They’re a free advertisement for your business, or just a contact point for industry participants. Your Business Entry(s) show on your MEMBERS page.

For Processors

  1. Business Entries are ESSENTIAL for any business or person that is Authorised for OECD activities. Processors must provide an ABN Number, a physical address contact information.
  2. How do I Get My Business Authorised on the Site? Once your Processors Role Change is approved you can see ‘Authorise’ against each of your business. Click this button to apply to an Agency to have your Business Authorised.
  1. What does being Authorised permit on the Site? Your Directory entry will display as Authorised. You’ll be able to Order Labels from 15/1/18.

For Agencies

  1. Agencies (Users Role) can instantly ‘Authorise’ or update any Businesses. Agencies Businesses can be used to ‘Order Labels’ for themselves or their Processors.

For Everyone

  1. Confidentiality and Records. Only you (and ASA, and to some extent your Authorising Agency) can see your site records. All changes on the site are recorded in detail. A full audit trail.
  1. Inbox. The inbox contains forms that need your review and action. Click an item in your inbox to see details of the request, instructions to handle it, and buttons to process it. In some cases your inbox may contain a form you sent that has been referred back more information and resubmission.
  2. Status. If you want to see all your previous (and current) site activities you will find them in the Status area. You can open and look at the details.

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