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Gravity Forms – Core

Gravity Forms is not available as a free plugin on the WordPress plugins directory. But do a search for it there and you’ll find well over 100 plugins that enhance Gravity Forms functionality. Or, do a google search for ‘Gravity Forms review‘ (<-or click) and check out the many many reviews. Form your opinion.

We believe that Gravity Forms is the premier forms plugin on the internet. 

Gravity Forms the most trusted advanced forms for WoedPress

There are several Premium gravity forms plugins that provide significant additional functionality to Gravity Forms. A group of these Premium Plugins together create an exceptional environment for developing powerful WordPress web sites. 

Because each form creates its own table in WordPress, you can use GravityForms to build a database of tables and records to support your business or group. You can use this data to create comprehensive linked tables, records, workflows, or practically anything (data) you can imagine. 

This group of premium plugins work seamlessly together, designed to make your development work as simple as is possible. You can create powerful solutions without the need to apply advanced coding or programming techniques. 

GravWorks LogoGravWorks is here to help you. Help you identify your opportunities and provide ideas and approaches to help you use these tools to solve your problems. We also provide a complete solution packaging all these tools and premium hosting and support into one comprehensive premium package. It will help you get started, meet others who need similar solutions or provide assistance, and explore the range of resources available to assist.

You can use our premium solution or roll your own. Or start with our package then move to something else if it suits you better. We’re here to help you.

getting started with Gravity Forms

Just Bought a Gravity Forms License? Let’s get you set up…

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