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Gravity Flow

Gravity Flow handles all you workflow and records management
Gravity Flow Workflow Management

Working seamlessly with Gravity Forms and our other core plugins, Gravity Flow lets your people turn their forms, lists, follow up notes and emails into efficient workflows with quick comprehensive access to all the details you need, and predetermined approvals and reviews to ensure all forms are properly managed.

Rapid Implementation, drag and drop design, complex or simple steps and decisions are just some of the many features provided by Gravity Flow.

If your looking to build powerful working websites, Gravity Flow is essential.

The following video will give you a very broad overview of what Gravity Flow is about. For more comprehensive videos scroll down on the Gravity Flow home page (you will be amazed).

As we develop GravWorks we will be treating Gravity Flow uses, design and development in detail. Our forum will allow you to find information and solutions, and/or ask questions and contribute your experience.


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