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New Online Memoir Course with SCWC

The South Coast Writers Centre have kindly supported my ‘Go Write Yourself!’ online memoir course again. It’s a five week course, fully online, with half-hour sessions each Wednesday at 7pm and starts on 11th October. Here is the link if you’d like to sign up for the course:

Go Write Yourself!

The course has two ‘streams’ which will be run concurrently.  Stream 1 is set at a level suitable for new writers and is focused on the how of writing your memoir: techniques, approaches, getting your prose to ‘speak’. Stream 2 is best suited to those who are more comfortable with their writing skills and are looking further to ensure the heartbeat of their story is loud and clear.

I’m really looking forward to running this course – been busy already revamping the sessions; I mean, we all need a bit of revamping at times, don’t we?



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