Australian ISTA Laboratories

The following Australian seed testing laboratories are accredited by ISTA to issue International Seed Testing Certificates.

The following Australian seed testing laboratories are accredited by ISTA to issue International Seed Testing Certificates.

AGWEST Plant Laboratories AUDL0700

DDLS Seed Testing and Certification
Seed Testing Station
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Bentley Delivery Centre
PO: 3 Baron-Hay Court
South Pert 6151, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9368 3844
Fax: +61 8 94742658 >

AsureQuality Ltd AUDL0900

Dairy Technical Services Limited
Seed Laboratory Tullamarine
3-5 Lillee Crescent
P.O. Box 1335, Tullamarine, Victoria
3043 Tullamarine
Phone: +61 3 8318 9000
Fax: +61 3 83189002 >

Queensland Seed Technology Lab AUDL0200

2 Stewart Street (PO Box 101)
Withcott QLD 4352
Phone: 07 4613 9052

SA Seed Laboratory AUDL0100

Primary Industry. & Resources
SA Plant Research Centre
Waite Campus, Urrbrae
GPO Box 1671 Adelaide 5001 SA
Phone: +61 8 83039549
Fax: +61 8 83039508

Tasmanian Seed Laboratory AUDL0600

Department of Primary Industry, Parks, Water & Environment
165 Westbury Rd
Prospect 7250
P.O.Box 46 Kings Meadows 7249 TAS
Phone: +61 3633 5248
Fax: +61 3 6344 4961

The laboratories named above have all entered into cooperation agreements with ASA and are authorised to test seed for certification under the OECD and/or Australian Seed Certification Schemes